Reynolds, Reynold

Reynold Reynolds, born 1966, studied physics in Colorado and art in New York, lives in Berlin. In 2011 he participated in the Videonale Bonn and Transmediale Berlin. Exhibitions a.o. Sprengel Museum, Hannover; MOMA, New York; Wrocław Contemporary Museum. Solo exhibitions since 2004 a.o. Videotage, Hong Kong; Kunsthalle Wien; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.

Website Reynold Reynolds

Lost Scene Number Six: Reanimations-Experiment 1. Versuch am Menschen
(DEU 1933/2013, HD, 8 Min., deOF)
World Premiere
The scene is taken from the film “Die Verlorenen” (1933) and shows how a young woman who has just been murdered, is being resurrected. The material was recently uncovered in Siberia and was intended to become a commercial Vampire-movie. It has now become part of a restoration- and art-project, entitled “The Lost”, which preoccupies Reynold Reynolds since 2011.

Reynold Reynolds, „Lost Scene Number Six: Reanimations-Experiment 1. Versuch am Menschen“, 1933/2013, HD, 8 Min.
Reynold Reynolds, „Lost Scene Number Six: Reanimations-Experiment 1. Versuch am Menschen“, 1933/2013, HD, 8 Min.