20/04/17, 10.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Symposium in the Gartensalon of the Kunsthalle München
in cooperation with ARRI Media GmbHia
Digitality is one of the most formative innovations of the last decades. Everyone must in some way respond to this revolution, which seems to continually advance. The interdisciplinary symposium “Digitality, Virtuality, Immersion. Chance and Challenge for Media Art” focuses on the relationship of media art to digitality, virtual space and immersion.
The symposium will analyse how the concept and perception of digitality has been transformed by the newest innovations. It will also discuss the opportunities and problems that arise for media artists, curators, conservators and collectors regarding the presentation of artworks with digital moving images. Prof. Dr. Oliver Grau (professor for image sciences at the Donau-University in Krems) will highlight aspects of the aesthetics and reception of digital media art and its potential for visualisation. He argues for a concentrated network of skilled museums and archives that can adequately handle contemporary digital art. Andreas Weißer (conservator for new media at the Doerner Institut, Munich) will itemize the new questions that arise with digital media art. How does one deal with continually developing techniques, for example, and what must be done to preserve virtual works?
The symposium will also be dedicated to innovative methods of experiencing media art in virtual space. Focusing on the unifying idea of immersion, attendees can learn about current developments that have been conceptualized independently of time and place – thus proposing new methods of artistic practice as well as communication and reception. In the framework of the exhibition “Die ungerahmte Welt”, which presents virtual reality as an artistic medium, Sabine Himmelsbach (Director of the HeK, Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel) will discuss the potential of this new technique for artists and museums. Dr. Florian Faion (Institute for Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems, ISAS) and Dr. Jesús Muñoz Morcillo (Center for Cultural and General Studies) – both from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – will present results of the research project “e-installation. Synesthetic documentation of media art installations”. In cooperation with museums for new art like the ZKM | Center for Art and Media, they virtually reconstruct media artworks and make them virtually accessible for researchers and visitors as a new synesthetic experience. Finally, André Rittner will report on virtual, augmented and mixed reality projects produced by ARRI Media GmbH from start to finish, including conception, creation and all the way to application.
This symposium is aimed at a professional audience. It will be held in German. Registration is possible until April 13, 2017. Please use the form which can be downloaded and send it to