Nowak, Till

Till Nowak, born in 1980 in Bonn, studied media design in Mainz and lives in Hamburg. He participated in the Seoul Media Art Biennial, 2012. Exhibitions included Forum Caixa, Barcelona; SIGGRAPH Gallery, Boston; Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro. Light installations in Berlin, Naples, Hamburg. Solo exhibitions since 2011 included Galerie Rudolf Budja, Salzburg; Kunstforum Markert, Hamburg.

Website Till Nowak

The Centrifuge Brain Project
(DEU 2011, HD, 6 Min. 35 Sek., enOF)
Second Main Award KINO DER KUNST 2013
The Centrifuge Brain Project is a mockumentary about scientific experiments involving amusement park rides. Since the 1970s, scientists have been conducting research to study their effects on the human brain. Adapting the aesthetics of a television documentary, this film takes a tongue-in-cheek look at humanity’s confusing search for bigger, better, faster and higher ways to happiness.

Till Nowak, „The Centrifuge Brain Project“, 2011, HD, 6 Min. 35 Sek.
Till Nowak, „The Centrifuge Brain Project“, 2011, HD, 6 Min. 35 Sek.