Dean, Tacita

Tacita Dean, born in 1965, lives in Berlin. Solo exhibitions in the New Museum, New York; Tate Modern, London; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York et al. Participation in the 55th Biennale di Venezia, 2013; documenta 13, 2012 et al.

Website Tacita Dean

(GER 2013, 35mm anamorphic, 26’30’’, English)
German Premiere
Named after the initials of American science-fiction writer J. G. Ballard, Dean’s film and Ballard’s short story “The Voices of Time” and the legendary, now flooded land art sculpture “Spiral Jetty” by Robert Smithson seem cryptically connected. For Dean, JG, filmed at salt lakes in Utah and California, is a film about landscape and time, which she desires to “mix in a single image” that can only be analog – in no case digital.

Tacita Dean, „JG“, GER 2013, 25’30’’, Courtesy of Marian Goodman, Paris
Tacita Dean, „JG“, GER 2013, 25’30’’, Courtesy of Marian Goodman, Paris