van der Werve, Guido

Guido van der Werve, born in 1977 in the Netherlands, studied music, industrial design, archeology and art. He lives in Finland and Amsterdam. Participation in the Performa, New York, 2011 and the Sydney Biennial, 2012. Solo exhibitions since 2003 a.o. at the Secession, Vienna; Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin; La Maison Rouge, Paris; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Monitor Gallery, Rome.

Number fourteen, home / Nummer veertien, home
(NLD 2012, 4k DCP, 54 Min., enOF)
German Premiere
In his film Nummer veertien, home, Dutch artist, composer and Iron Man Guido van der Werve swims, bikes and runs nearly 1,200 miles following Frédéric Chopin’s steps, from Warsaw’s Church of the Holy Cross to the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. A cinematic vision about longing, homesickness and death, gorgeously melancholy, occasionally flakey, intermittently batty.

Guido van der Werve, „Nummer veertien, Home“ / „Number fourteen, home“, 2012, 4k DCP, Courtesy Guido van der Werve / Galerie Juliette Jongma
Guido van der Werve, „Nummer veertien, Home“ / „Number fourteen, home“, 2012, 4k DCP, Courtesy Guido van der Werve / Galerie Juliette Jongma