Frampton, Russell & Way, Ruth

Russell Frampton, born in 1961 in Hampshire, lives in Devonshire and Brittany. He is a painter and musician and has exhibited nationally and internationally since his studies. He has been increasingly involved in experimental filmmaking and collaboration at the Dance/Film Lab at the University of Plymouth.

Ruth Way is the Associate Head of School Arts and Humanities and programme leader for Dance Theatre at the University of Plymouth. She was honoured with a major Arts Council of England award to help her develop her practice as a dance filmmaker and choreographer in collaboration with Russell Frampton.

Selected Films: Viridian (2015), Blind Torrent (2012)

Website Russell Frampton

Into Air
(GBR 2016, HD, 11’45’’, English)
World Premiere
Seen from several perspectives, the mysterious moment when chance meetings and future tragedies intersect – anywhere in the world. Even if the future fate of the protagonists seems predictable, their actions cannot be influenced. A film based loosely on Ted Hughes‘ text The Pan, one of only two poems that Hughes wrote for his wife Sylvia Plath, who committed suicide in 1963.

Russell Frampton & Ruth Way, Into Air, GBR 2016, 11’45’’ © Russell Frampton
Russell Frampton & Ruth Way, Into Air, GBR 2016, 11’45’’ © Russell Frampton