Téllez, Javier

Javier Téllez, born in 1969 in Venezuela, lives in New York and Berlin. Participation in the Lyon Biennale, 2011, and in the documenta, 2012. Exhibitions a.o. at the Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Kunsthalle Wien and Deichtorhallen Hamburg. Solo exhibitions since 1996 u.a. at the S.M.A.K., Ghent, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; Galerie Figge von Rosen, Cologne/Berlin.

The Conquest of Mexico
(MEX/USA/DEU/CHE 2012, HD, 45 Min., esOmeU)
Inspired by Antonin Artaud’s legendary trip to Mexico in 1936 and his text “The Conquest of Mexico”, Javier Téllez collaborated with outpatients of a psychiatric hospital in Mexico. They are co-writers of the script, play their own parts in the film and also appear as characters from Mexican history, like the ancient ruler Moctezuma, the conqueror Hernan Cortés and the French writer Antonin Artaud.

Javier Téllez, „The Conquest of Mexico“, 2012, HD, 45 Min., Courtesy Galerie Figge von Rosen, Köln/Berlin
Javier Téllez, „The Conquest of Mexico“, 2012, HD, 45 Min., Courtesy Galerie Figge von Rosen, Köln/Berlin