Yang Fudong, born in 1971 in Beijing, studied painting at the Academy of Hangzhou. Participation in the Venice Biennale, 2007. Exhibitions a.o. at the Museum of Fine Art, Houston; The National Art Museum of China, Beijing; Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai. Solo exhibitions since 2006 a.o. at Parasol, London; Hara Museum, Tokyo; Marian Goodman Gallery New York/Paris.
The Nightman Cometh / Ye Jiang
(CHN 2011, HD, 19 Min. 21 Sek., zhOmeU)
The Nightman Cometh / Ye Jiang brings us to the realm of historical fantasy. An ancient warrior is seen wounded and forlorn after battle: he is in conflict about his path in life. Three ghost-like characters appear. They are symbols for the conflicting feelings and thoughts in the warrior\’s heart and mind when he has to decide whether to give up or continue fighting.