Boisseau & Westermeyer

Sylvie Boisseau, born in 1970, and Frank Westermeyer, born in 1971, live in Berlin and Genf. They have been working together since 1996 and their videos and interventions examine identity and question what constitutes community. Participation in Transmediale (2019) and dokumentArt (2007). Inclusion in group exhibitions at the Museum Ulm and Messe Basel (2019), among others. Selected films: Bootstrap (2017) and Das künftige Geschlecht (2012)


Der Freie Mensch – mit KI
DEU/CHE 2019, 4K, 7’34’’, DEUTSCH/GERMAN
KONZEPT/CONCEPT: Sylvie Boisseau & Frank Westermeyer
CAST: Frank Westermeyer, Frank Westermeyer (Stimme)

A beautiful mind: decisions about what to purchase and how to act, not to mention basic thinking and helpful everyday advice are some of the things we willingly outsource to artificial intelligence. Without a doubt, the algorithm knows us better than we know ourselves. But when access to an outsourced database is unlimited, how will the retrieval of optimized information affect our behavior? “Man asks machine” is the starting point for this satirical sci-fi experiment by Boisseau & Westermeyer in which an average middle-aged man asks his artificial assistant about life’s uncertainties—and AI becomes a modern-day oracle.

© Boisseau Westermeyer, VG Bildkunst